domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

4 years children draw themselves

We know a lot about our body, and we are painters and have drawn ourselves.

Myself 4 A

Myself 4 B

2 comentarios:

  1. ¡Muchas gracias, Dori! A Raquel, de 4 años B, le ha encantado ver su dibujo y los de sus compañeros en este formato tan original. Y también volver a escuchar la canción que habéis trabajado en clase.

    Thanks a lot, Dori!!. Raquel (4 years old B) has really enjoyed seeing her picture and those of her classmates in such an original format. She has also been delighted listening again to the song you have practised at school

    1. Thank you very much. Comments are always well appreciated.
      And drawings... amazing!!
