lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Elections in year 4

We have had  elections in year 4 B for Class President. There were some candidates that had presented their programs and campaign. 
Great Work! 
And that day arrived and every child voted. 24 votes. 

Lucas presents us a volcano experiment

Lucas likes very much experiments and he with his parents´ help has investigated how to make a volcano.
He needs a plastic bottle, water, vinegar, dish detergent and baking soda.
And he came to our classroom with his mother to show us that splendid experiment.

Diego sings a Pirate Song in Spanish

Elmer, The Patchwork Elephant

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Experiment with mixtures

We have made experiments in Natural Science in year 4, but also in infantil 5. Why not?

We mixed  oil and water, juice and water, water and nails, water and pebbles, water and salt... 
And then we tried to separate them !

Pupils  have drawn what they have seen.